Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sweet Little Memories

             Just sitting alone at home and looking out through the window at the beautifully colored fall trees -- suddenly made me skim through the past. One thing I really love about life is, it gives us memories to treasure and cherish as we go along. 
             And now I just can't say how much I miss doing a few things. 
             To go on a ride on my Cycle -- 'Miss India'. Yeah, that was the brand of my cycle. There were these days when I used to ride on it, on the roads of Magunta Layout, collecting the beautiful things from the nature surrounding me, for scrap booking. Putting all the collectibles in the basket of my cycle was the lovely part.
             Going on a ride with Dad. This was my favorite relaxation from the overloaded schedule of school. To buy a silly pen or a pencil would be the reason for a long ride.
             Long walks in Magunta Layout. Gna, this one friend was the best company to have lazy walks around the streets, chatting about any other thing in the world. 
             Untimely Friendship Days. There was this SAPS during +2. It was all about celebrating friendship day when ever we felt like celebrating. Every day and any day could be a friendship day.
             The Charms. This was the time when life was filled with rainbow colors because of 7 charming buddies. The days of gossiping, fighting and what not. Life was a celebration.
             One thing I surely miss is lab tests, though it used to feel like hell. This was the time of mixed emotions. There used to be this fear of Naidu Sir, but then, some silly thing makes me laugh.
             Weekend trips from Tirupati to Nellore. I miss the funny experiences I used to have during these trips. Not a single trip was less adventurous.
             Lengthy Chats in Chennai Hostel. Late night chitchatting with Archana and irritating Bola & Sil with this. 
             The Beach -- One thing I really love is Tiruvanmiyur beach in Chennai. It's true that it is not well maintained and the ambiance of it is not just good. But, it is still my favorite place. I can pass away a day, just sitting at the beach looking at the serene waters, the sky and listening to the waves!
             There are so many things and people in life at this moment, I feel very happy about being with. But these are just sweet little memories that still make me nostalgic.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Personal Diary

            Writing Diary is something I always do. This, I started when I was 12. I still wonder what made me do that. No one has ever told me to write a diary. Whenever I felt very happy or very sad, one thing I surely would do is 'Write'. 
            Writing out my feelings makes me kind of relieved. Sharing things with others always helps us. It either adds to the joy or stamps down the grief. Diary does the same to me. I also read the long done scribbles and cherish them. One blog I came across this morning made me do this post. The gist of that post is that one part of us wants the diary to be read, though it is written and safeguarded for one reason.
             I agree with this. I have always thought about it too. Whenever I write something in my diary, I imagine somebody reading it. I would never really want it though. Also, I do write sometimes, in a way, that I don't hurt someone I am writing about. After all, it is my personal diary. And, I keep it safe from others reading it. Still, this is the way I do. I am sure everyone does this.
             Though we know that we are going to keep it away from others, we somewhere feel that someone is going to go through it. Or, may be we write it because we want some one to read it?!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Survivor of the year......

        One new thing I did this summer is gardening, which ended up in a disaster.

        I saw many people growing small herbs and plants which they use in cooking, at home. I really liked the idea. So there I started a small garden in the balcony of my apartment. It was all so exciting -- getting the soil, sowing/planting and watering. My garden actually had a limited entry. So, the members of my garden were -- a money plant, a chrysanthemum, mint, fenugreek and corriander.

        But it's not that easy to survive in Tyu's Garden. Here is what everyone did. Fenugreek turned out really good. I used it for an awesome 'Methi pulao'. And corriander, I never even saw the seed I planted. Here is the mint.

        Wondering where the plant is?! I am sure you can see some brown things there.
        Chrysanthemum was the one I bought at walmart. So, it already had some flowers on it. I don't think I saw at least one new flower on it. At the end, here it is!

        The only survivor is my money plant. It exceeded my expectations :) This, actually, is a plant I got from somebody else. It almost died in a week after I took it from her. But I watered it regularly and it is back :) :) I love you money plant. Here it is.. हरा भरा :)

        So, 'Survivor of the year' goes to 'Muchi Muchi --- Money Plant'.

        I am not going to give up guys!! I wait for the next summer and this time, I will plan for a garden with more members :)  I wish my money plant the very best for a greater stay in my garden. Others... Rest In Peace!!