Friday, January 25, 2013

One a Day

                 Life's been different after moving to Dallas with so many new things happening. It's been equally good and bad. After almost 3 months, after moving here, I realized how I wish I did a few things that bring me happiness. So, I decided for myself, yesterday, that I will start doing one thing a day, that makes me happy. Every day must be exciting and must add something worthy. I planned an hour at the least, if not more, each day. These days I take very little care about my blogs. I hope I can keep them organized and active too, if I can put into action, my plan :)
                Gayakapriya is making good progress. It's been very very long since I have added any content to it. But, there are enough people who make use of it. It feels really very happy when someone says that my blog is helping them learn something. That solves the purpose of my blog. I planned to put a day aside, for Gayakapriya too. I am targeting a post a week for now. I am sure I will make this happen this time, unlike all the other times when I plan to do something but put very little into action :( :( Wish me luck guys!