Friday, February 8, 2013

Violators will be mashed into hummus

                           Here is something interesting, that I found in front of a Mediterranean restaurant. I often go there, but noticed this only the last time. I did not understand what they actually do with violators though. Apparently, they are not going to mash them into Hummus :) :)

And.. am on a cooking spree!!

            The 'One a day' I planned seems to be going good though I didn't do all the things I planned for. Contrary to doing one a day I have been doing same thing on all the days :) Yeah I've been cooking a lot, in addition to other small things.
             I planned to try out a new recipe every week. And it turned out to be, trying only new recipes. A few posts on the way about the recipes!! Okay.. no confusion, these are not my own recipes. They are new, in the sense, I tried them for the first time. I will just post the recipes, but this is not going to be a recipe blog for sure. I also started the journal I have been procrastinating for about 5 months now. There are many trades I am a Jack of and I really love to see myself as a master in most of those. So, I think this project will really help. One more art I always wanted to try out was nail art. I am planning for this too. I will just end this post with a nail coloring pic :) The brown I really loved... Revlon Foxy.