Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Manners makes a man

              We have been to a Botanical Garden here, in our place, last week. What anyone would do in a botanical garden was not what we did anyways. As none of us had any background knowledge of plants, what we merely did was take pictures with beautiful plants all over. Meanwhile, I was awestruck at the sight of something. Not a plant, but a kid!! We were taking pictures around a very small path. My husband was on one side of it, to take the picture of our friends on the other side. And here comes this cute kid, along with his grand father. Seeing us taking a picture, he stopped so as to not disturb our picture. Even if the kid had not stopped,he would hardly have come into our frame! We were awed by the manners of the kid. He would be just 2 or 3 years. After seeing and hearing about so many people who rarely care for others, and who show so much of unnecessary attitude, this kid really is someone i am glad to have seen. God bless him! Such little things matter a lot in life. And, manners makes a man!

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