Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Horo Mania

     It's been really really long since I even thought of blogging. I don't know what made me think that my life is so busy and I don't know why I am very rigid and serious about so many things. I should take a chill pill and enjoy the sweet nothings life has to offer. I realized this morning how badly I am occupied, when I looked at a very beautiful tree with nicely changed fall colors. I have been thinking all along, that Columbus has no traces of fall. I realized that I haven't been noticing all those beautiful colors in this so called busy life. And, I must definitely mention something now.The blogger interface finally changed (wail). I am not finding the "switch to old interface" option anymore. Am I not finding it ? Or is it really gone?? 
     So, I started this post in office and am continuing at home. Ah, it took sometime to come back and continue with this post. The cab driver pissed me off today. I really don't understand why I have to pay him for the time he takes to give me the change back. All weirdos I come across everyday. I should probably try to control my temper otherwise, I might end up with temper issues.
     Anyway, now to the topic, Horo mania!!! Horoscope has been one of the things I was crazy about almost 2 years ago. I was so much into horoscopes that I remembered people with their zodiac signs. This was the site I always looked into as soon as I went to office. I always felt that what is given in the horoscope matched my situation. I still wonder how that was possible. There used to be a magazine for my office, in which there was again a horo column. And, I would never start my day without reading that. I turned my friends too, to horo maniacs, lol. Somehow, I completely forgot about horoscope after my wedding, hehee. It was yesterday that I suddenly looked for my horo online and I came across the same website. Nostalgia!!
Whenever I read horo, I feel as if everything I think of, will happen at any cost. And as if everything is possible. I sincerely don't know why I feel so. Somehow, I feel confident when I look at my horoscope. Sudden landing on that site made me really very happy. And I will continue reading it again, I guess. Let us C++ :)

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