Friday, October 18, 2013

35 before 35

             I was going through a blog post on 35 before 35, couple of days ago, and thought I should make such a list too. And I have 30 on the list already!! I have some, more than 8 years, to do these though. It might be a little early for setting up the list, but I still am doing it.

             I may not be able to share the entire list here on the blog, for it has some ideas that I may not want to share. But then, I am planning to upload some posts about those. I am also forcing DH to make one such list for himself. He is apparently not interested at this point of time, but I am not going to give up, lol.



  1. Point No 1: To meet Su in NLR and roam around aimlessly in Magunta layout :D

    1. Ya true.. I should add that in the list too :)
      Good Idea.. and make sure you don't have "Don't meet tyu till I become 35" in your list lol

    2. Endukooo idi bad joke la undi :-/
